Around the Web–10/4/12

Quite an array of articles caught my eye this week. They may be of interest to you:

Another study undermines feminist stereotype of women who kill

  • From the Canadian paper, the National Post, columnist Barbara Kay offers an interesting point of view, countering feminist assumptions. As far as I know, Barbara Kay writes from a secular perspective.

Old stereotypes die hard. Whether they kill by poison, by knife or by boyfriend, women are not always victims and men are victims more often than they are assumed to be. It is encouraging to see news stories that help to dismantle a persistent ideology-inspired mythology.

Review: Counseling and Christianity

  • The book reviewed is a unique approach to the ‘multi-views’ approach, in this case five approaches to counseling. The book is a multi-faceted case study where practitioners of several different counseling approaches explain how they would deal with an individual presenting certain problems. The review suggests that the differences between biblical counseling and other approaches are quite striking.

Answering 7 Common Objections to Long-Term Missions

  • Interesting article – can’t agree with it entirely, but some good points are made. Nothing seems to be said about the ‘indigenous principle’, i.e., that the goal of missions is to establish self-supporting and self-propagating churches. This may be due to the extent that the social gospel has infected Christian thinking these days.

Bible Translations to be Reviewed by Panel of Experts

  • Should we be confident or apprehensive about this?

Biracial church planter hailed 200 years later

  • Interesting history of a faithful church planter from the 18th/19th century. His story ought to inspire our own service for Christ

Blocking the shots

  • Article in World Magazine about the trend of homeschoolers and others against childhood vaccination. The fears mentioned here are curious in that most parents routinely take their children out on crowded streets in their automobiles – a place where they are at far greater risk of being maimed or killed.


Two good articles on the subject from DBTS (and watch their space, McCabe plans one more article soon).

Publication of links in our Around the Web feature does not imply endorsement of the views or contents of any of the websites linked. The links are simply provided as a matter of interest to Christians.