History of Baptists related to the FBFI

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The Making of a Battle Royal: The Rise of Liberalism in Northern Baptist Life, 1870–1920. Jeffrey Straub

While not a history of Fundamental Baptists, this is helpful to understand the growth of liberalism, which was one of the underlying reasons for the development of Fundamentalism as a movement.

Christian Fundamentalism in America: The Story of the Rest from 1857 to 2020. David Beale

A broad history of American fundamentalism, which includes Baptist fundamentalism by the former professor of church history at Bob Jones University.

Baptist History in England and America David Beale

In his Baptist History in England and America, David Beale illuminates numerous topics, including Baptist origins, their search for the ancient manner of immersion, and even the way they acquired the name Baptist. His book annotates key beliefs and practices in Baptist confessions of faith. Multiple chapters describe persecutions Baptists suffered, and contributions they made toward religious freedom and liberty of conscience. Striking a balance between brief and exhaustive, the author aims to inspire and to encourage, as well as to inform, in a precise and accurate manner. He provides in-depth coverage of numerous topics never mentioned in average surveys. There is some coverage of the fundamental Baptist movement of the 20th century.

Baptist World Mission

Now is the Time: A History of the Baptist World Mission. Fred Moritz.

General Association of Regular Baptists

One in Hope and Doctrine. Kevin Bauder and Robert Delnay

This is a history of several movements within the Fundamental Baptists primarily from the perspective of the General Association of Baptist Churches.

What a Fellowship! The First Fifty Years of the GARBC. Merle R. Hull

The definitive history of the early years of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches by one of its early leaders.

The Quest for Faithfulness: The Account of a Unique Fellowship of Churches. Paul Tassell

A history of the GARBC by one it own.

Background and History of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches. Joseph M. Stowell

An early history of the GARBC.

The GARBC and Its Attendant Movement. Calvin Odell.

Conservative Baptists

A History of Conservative Baptists. Bruce Shelley

A history of the Conservative Baptist movement by a Conservative Baptist. Shelley opposed the separatism of the fundamentalists.

Baptist Bible Union

An Iowa Tragedy: The Fall of Old Des Moines U. David Wiggins.

The story of Des Moines University, a liberal Baptist school purchased by the Baptist Bible Union in the 1920s.

State and Canada Histories


The Little Church of Hamilton Square: A Grand History of 120 Years: Hamilton Square Baptist Church, San Francisco, California. David Ennis


Reflection of Conviction: The History of the IFBA of Michigan. Roy E. Shelpman.


A Light in the Darkness: A History of the Minnesota Baptist Association 1859-1982. John Ballentine and Wellie Midgley

The History of Pillsbury Baptist Bible College. Larry D. Pettegrew

"The Baptist Fundamentalists' Case against Carlton, 1926-1928." Mark Greene

Carlton was a liberal college in Minnesota. This is a brief history of the battle between the fundamentalist and liberal Baptists in Minnesota.


Rich in Mercy. Kim Ledgerwood. A History of the first 40 years of Maranatha Baptist University, Watertown, Wisconsin.


The Independent Baptist Movement of the Atlantic Provinces. Victor Burrill

Order from Fundamental Baptist Church, PO Box 3563 Station B, Saint John, NB E2M 4Y1. Phone (506) 672-9390.



What God Hath Wrought: Eastern's First Thirty-Five Years. Gilbert Guffin

Eastern was founded in reaction to the modernist seminaries in the Northern Baptist Convention. It was a fundamentalist school for only a short time.