The Miracle of Marriage

We had a rather strange event in our family last week as one of our sons was married. The fact that he married a lovely Christian young lady was not so strange, what made it strange was that the wedding was Covid-19 style – hardly anyone in the congregation. Despite the strange circumstances, those members…

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Marriage, Yelling, and the Holy Spirit

Any pastor who has served for a period of years inevitably has counselled married couples who struggle in their marriage. The reasons for these struggles are quite varied, but rarely (if ever) one-sided in nature. One significant area of struggle is communication between husband and wife. How does the husband speak to his wife? How…

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I Just Want to Feel Loved

“I just want to feel loved,” she said. She was the barber taking care of another customer in the next chair. Her remarkably open conversation was about her recent breakup with a man who she liked, but apparently didn’t meet her criteria for continuing the relationship. It sounded like another in something of a series…

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Five Ways for a Christian Husband to Show Love to His Wife

One of the primary jobs of a husband, according to the Bible, is to love his wife as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25ff). While there are other things involved, I believe this responsibility is critical for any Christian husband to follow. Yet this calling has a web of nuances and applications that span many…

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Building Trust Relationships

A developing romantic relationship contains many fearful delights. The delights are too numerous to exhaustively list, but they include the delight of discovery, the unfolding/revealing of the person upon whom you are bestowing your affection, the new paths into which your life is entering and a host of others. As these delights are experienced, there…

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Christians Must Handle Conflict Biblically

We cannot escape conflicts because we cannot escape people, including Christians, who struggle with sinful pride and their sinful flesh. For this reason, conflicts will arise between individuals. Conflicts can be between church members, parents and children, spouses, and other combinations of people. No matter who we have a conflict with, as Christians, we must…

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The Messiah and Your Marriage

Many Christian homes are un-Christian in their practice. A married couple may profess to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, but how they think, act, and live in their marriage betrays, or at least conflicts with that profession. The Bible puts it clearly that marriage is a picture of Christ, who is the bridegroom,…

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Evolution and Marriage

Don Johnson Recent reading reminds me how thoroughly our world is committed to Darwinism. We see its effects in theories on a wide variety of subjects in the human experience. One such is the subject of marriage. I suppose we should not be surprised, but most of my reading focuses on Christian themes and literature,…

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Why Should You Stay Married? And How? Part 3

Matt Recker There are five strong reasons in Malachi 2:13-16 that lead believers to remain faithful to their marriage vows. Our study of the first three reasons are in part one and part two of this series. They are: Remain faithful because of the divine covenant of marriage, because of the infinite power of the…

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