Taming Envy

His name is Mr. Grinch—incurably green with envy, that unlovable Dr. Seuss character who cannot bear the sight of someone enjoying himself. When that happens, he bites himself. Envy is a sin of the emotions. According to the dictionary it is “a feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by a desire for the possessions or…

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Do You Wrestle with This Temptation?

Thomas Overmiller God is always good to his people, all the time. That’s what David affirms in Psalm 73:1. But in doing so, he makes an honest admission. Can you relate? He had been jealous of ungodly people (Psalm 73:2-3). His jealousy centered on their material prosperity and sinful indulgence, free from obvious consequences (Psalm…

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Eradicating the Evil of Envy

Jim Oesterwind Genesis 37 begins the story of the fourth significant person in the second half of the book. His name is Joseph, the eleventh of Jacob’s twelve sons. He along with Benjamin are the two sons of Rachel, Jacob’s favored wife. By my rough estimation Jacob takes up roughly 20% of the content in…

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