Barkless Dogs

Phil Shuler Frontline • January/February 2000 Editor’s note: This article, as you can see by the header above, was published some time ago. In light of the turmoil of today it seems timely. May God move us to revival in our churches! Why is our society so morally and spiritually out of control today? Why…

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The Importance of Prayer in Evangelism

Phil Shuler My wife and I were reminiscing about evangelism in our childhood, attempting to determine the primary reason that we saw many souls saved then, and so few saved today. We contrasted the lack of television then to the deluge of entertainment on the tube today. Back then family was the focus for spiritual…

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The Evangelist and His Ministry

Phil Shuler Enough books have been written about the earthly ministry of our Lord to fill the average library, but the ministry of Christ beyond His death, burial, and resurrection can be pretty well summed up in John 16:7–11. In John 14:16 Christ explains why He must ascend unto His father, but he promises to…

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Getting Back to God’s Business

Phil Shuler [Note: Events mentioned in this article happened some time ago, we are republishing it to enjoy again the benefit of the spiritual lessons learned then.] I write this article from my home in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, where we are experiencing one of the worst floods in over 120 years. As I write,…

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