Truth Has Fallen in the Streets

This is not a political article. There are no political answers to the mess in which we find ourselves. Isaiah 59 describes Judah in eerily similar circumstances to the ones our nation faces today.

Please, take some time now to read the chapter (Isaiah 59:1-21). I would suggest reading in several different translations. It will be more beneficial to you than reading this post.  Come back and read the rest of this post afterward if you want.

This is how Isaiah described the situation in Judah.

Their hands were defiled with the blood of their own children sacrificed to pagan gods. Lies so filled the public discourse that truth could not be found. The ESV rendering of verse four describes a nation bent on frivolous and deceitful lawsuits, not for justice but for personal gain. The nation was filled with those that stirred up conflict for self-benefit. They are described as planting viper’s eggs everywhere ready to spawn venomous snakes. There was no justice and no peace.

The people, in general, are described as groping blind, hoping for someone to save them from the misery that surrounds them. Those who do try to do what is right only succeed in making themselves victims.

Truth is fallen in the street. It is as if Isaiah was watching Fox News and CNN as he writes.

So, what is the problem?

God is not the problem.

He is not powerless. He could act, redeem, and save this nation, but He is not doing it. He is not ignorant—He hears, He knows exactly what is going on.

The problem is sin.  It was then and it is now.

Our sin has separated between us and God. We can blame one another into oblivion, but it will not change the eternal spiritual truth that all men are sinners and will stand all alone before the God of heaven and give account for their sins. When you stand before His Great White Throne, you will stand alone—no buddies or coworkers to cover for your anger and abuse, no crowd in which to hide your rioting selfishness—just you, all alone, giving account for your own choices before God. God will let no injustice remain. He sees all, knows all, and makes all right.

The only hope is an intercessor.

God looks on the scene and it displeased Him. He saw that there was not an intercessor—a redeemer. So God provides one. He will be a righteous Savior who zealously avenger the injustice and unrighteousness so rampant in the world, but understand that no one will escape that judgment. We are all guilty outside of repentance and forgiveness.

He will be the only Salvation to those who receive Him, and an avenging judge to those who do not. He will raise up the standard of protection when the enemy floods in. The ultimate blessing of the Savior is that, just as in Jeremiah’s New Covenant, He will put His Spirit in the words and hearts of His people.

The problem is sin, not the government, or the other guy or other group. The only answer to sin is Jesus.


  1. Jeffrey Grachus on June 1, 2020 at 9:47 am


  2. toni Geiger on June 1, 2020 at 8:42 pm
