The Nightmare before Christmas

At this time of year, it’s easy to gloss over the events surrounding the first Christmas. If we aren’t careful, we will overlook some of the personal distress of people like Joseph and Mary. With that in mind, I would like to offer you

The Nightmare before Christmas

by Gordon Dickson

Nightmare before Christmas! for in his sad heart
His dreams were all shattered and coming apart
This woman who loved him, his own bride-to-be
Told Joseph a story and begged him to see.
This young woman, Mary, so tender and mild
This unmarried woman, already with child!

What a fool he had been to make such a choice
He loved her. He cherished the sound of her voice
She loved him – adored him – the future was bright
But something like this . . . well, it just wasn’t right.
And now all their hopes for a grand wedding day
Were all dashed to pieces in fear and dismay.

She said that an angel had brought her the word.
She said she was “chosen,” – “blessed by the Lord”
She said that the angel had said to “Rejoice”
And said that she humbly agreed to God’s choice
But now, Joseph doubted, for Joseph was just
And he had decided to do what he must.

He would not make her suffer; he would find a way
To end their engagement and send her away.
He still loved young Mary, and though he would mourn
He would not demean her with harsh, mocking scorn.
He would not stand by her, nor call her a friend,
For this kind of woman might do this again …

And then came the dream. When the angel appeared,
He answered the questions that Joseph had feared.
The angel told him he had not been deceived;
He said that in Mary, God’s Spirit conceived!
Blessed! Not an outcast, and not a pariah
There in her womb was the Lord, the Messiah!

The angel told Joseph he was not to fear
To marry the Mary that he held so dear
And though some might mock him and call him unwise
This just man would do what was right in God’s eyes,
And name the child, “Jesus” for God would save men
Yes, by this Christ child, God would save men from sin!

Then Joseph took Mary to be his own wife
To share hopes and fear, yes, to share his own life.
Nightmare before Christmas? Not in Mary’s womb
The nightmare for men is from sin and the tomb.
That nightmare haunts men who are lost in their sin
But Christmas delivered the Light unto men!

Gordon Dickson is the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, Finlay, OH.