Euthanasia . . . for Children? | Answers in Genesis

Euthanasia . . . for Children?by Ken Ham on August 16, 2018 00:03 06:25Share: The European country of Belgium has some of the most permissive laws regarding euthanasia of any nation in the world. Euthanasia, also known as “doctor assisted suicide,” is the idea that a terminally ill patient (or, in some cases, just the very old, or those with predicted shortened life-span because of a sickness) can choose to end their own life, with the assistance of a doctor. And Belgium now allows children of any age to choose euthanasia.Shop NowIn two years, three children (ages 17, 11, and 9) chose euthanasia. One child had cystic fibrosis, another had muscular dystrophy, and the other had a brain tumor. (Over 4,000 Belgian adults, most of whom had cancer, chose euthanasia that year as well.) Doctors decided there was no hope for these children or reason for them to continue living, so their lives were ended at their request.

Source: Euthanasia . . . for Children? | Answers in Genesis

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