An Overview of the Book of James

The Book of James may be one of the most needful encouragements and exhortations to believers in our day. Of course, every book of the Bible seems that way when you’re teaching through it verse by verse. That’s because every part of the Bible is supremely powerful to address us according to what’s most needed…

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The Wisdom of God and the Wisdom of the World

Man cannot find out God by his own wisdom.  In fact, God has decreed it so for he tells us that “in the wisdom of God the world by (its) wisdom knew not God” (I Corinthians 1:21).  It could not be any other way for how could the eternal God, infinite in wisdom and understanding,…

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Twenty-two: Numbering Our Days

Job observed that his days were like a weaver’s shuttle, sliding along the loom so swiftly that the eye could hardly follow. I sympathize with the Old Testament saint’s assessment of how fast the days of his life seemed to pass. The older I get, the faster they go. A few months ago, I received…

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Wet Bread in Ecclesiastes

I’ve spent the last year writing a verse-by-verse devotional on the Book of Ecclesiastes. Below, I’ve shared the original version of a devotion that was later shortened to fit on a single page. “Cast your bread upon the waters, “the Book of Ecclesiastes advises us, “for you will find it after many days” (Eccles. 11:1).…

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The Church Needs Wise Guys

Christians are people of truth, because we believe in a God Who IS truth.  Because God cannot lie, and we are to imitate His character, we must not lie either.  Yet Christian people all too often communicate what is untrue, or at least unproven.  Having grown up in the church, and now approaching thirty years…

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Teens and Technology

As Christian parents living in the 21st century, we must deal with a world of technology. Televisions, DVD players, cell phones, tablets, computers, etc. have infiltrated our society. While there is value in technological advances, there are also some dangers that Christian families must be aware of. As parents, we are responsible to protect our…

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Silence is Golden … or is it?

Silence is golden…or is it? As a father of four, there are very few days in our home that have been silent, especially in the early years. I remember one afternoon we were sitting in the living room talking with a missionary and the kids were being extremely quiet. After a little while, I told…

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God Gives Wisdom

One great enemy working against us in our pursuit of God’s wisdom is well-intentioned friends and family around us. People seek to draw us back again to the wisdom of this world. They think they know what is best. They say they are looking out for us, but they are diverting us from the path…

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Contention at the Cross

One of the reasons we have contention in the church is that we tend to believe what is right in our own eyes. We don’t allow God to dictate to us in His Word; we dictate to Him. Often this dramatically and deleteriously affects church conduct. Once our church begins to take polls and surveys…

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