The Baton of Faith

Becoming a common heartbreak for youth pastors are young people who, though having been reared in a Christian home, come up through years of Sunday school and church but fail to really embrace the Faith. They squander their teenage years, coming to church out of obligation and staying on the periphery, absorbed in self or…

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I Just Want to Feel Loved

“I just want to feel loved,” she said. She was the barber taking care of another customer in the next chair. Her remarkably open conversation was about her recent breakup with a man who she liked, but apparently didn’t meet her criteria for continuing the relationship. It sounded like another in something of a series…

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Five Ways for a Christian Husband to Show Love to His Wife

One of the primary jobs of a husband, according to the Bible, is to love his wife as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25ff). While there are other things involved, I believe this responsibility is critical for any Christian husband to follow. Yet this calling has a web of nuances and applications that span many…

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Beating First World Syndrome

Do your kids ever manifest symptoms of First World Syndrome? Recent generations of young people have been groomed to have a certain sense of entitlement about them. That something is owed them. That they deserve more. An expectation of accolades, convenience, and ease. It is grievous and unkind to cultivate this. Suspect there are some…

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Parenting Resources

This spring, I taught a class on parenting at our church. In preparation for the class, I interacted with a number of different parenting resources. Here are five of the resources I found most helpful. 1. Shepherding a Child’s Heart – Outside of the Bible, this is the best overall book on parenting I have…

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Christians Must Handle Conflict Biblically

We cannot escape conflicts because we cannot escape people, including Christians, who struggle with sinful pride and their sinful flesh. For this reason, conflicts will arise between individuals. Conflicts can be between church members, parents and children, spouses, and other combinations of people. No matter who we have a conflict with, as Christians, we must…

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Our Homes

George Stiekes O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear Me, and keep all My commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children forever. Deuteronomy 5:29 The church of Jesus Christ is supposed to be an influence for righteousness and holiness in our world. Just…

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Adoption: The Precious Truth of Belonging

Robert Condict A reader might be tempted to quickly gloss over a list of technical terms that relate to our salvation: justification, sanctification, conversion, repentance, election, adoption, perseverance (or was it preservation?). The list may appear to be tedious. Perhaps we should just thank God we are saved. Why make this precious truth any more…

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Home Sweet Home

Ben Strohbehn An architect can design a house. A contractor can build a house. But only God can transform a house into a home. Do you remember the song, “Home, Sweet Home”? Remember how it begins? ‘Mid pleasures and palaces, Though we may warn, Be it ever so humble, There’s no place like home. But…

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Pray With Your Children

Thomas Overmiller “Chaplain Richard Halverson of the United States Senate told the story of a time when the subject of prayer in schools came up just before a Senator was to give a speech to several hundred men at a church’s annual men’s dinner. In response to the Senator’s question about how many of the…

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