Larry Ball, General Director of International Baptist Missions, has experience both from the pastoral and missionary side of the missionary ministry. He offers insights into both perspectives.
Alberto Marquez and Steve Rubio discuss using evangelistic Bible studies in Spanish ministries.
Pat Berg teaches women about guarding their hearts from the trap of strong desires that threaten one's walk with God.
Pastor Will Senn teaches multiplying those prepared for leadership by teaching servanthood.
Dr. Meyer's thesis: Biblical counseling is most effective when the counselor rigorously expounds and accurately applies the truth of the text to the counselee's problems.
Logos representative Rick Grantham presents tips on using the Logos Bible software.
Dr. Maxwell, President of Faith Baptist Bible College, offers us a good biblical theology of the ordinary means by which God sanctifies a believer and the extraordinary events by which…
Dr. Mark Minnick preaches a masterful exposition of the 6th chapter of Romans. He shows exactly what it is in us that must be overcome by the process of sanctification…
In this message, Dr. Kevin Schaal offers an insightful discussion of the conflict between Paul and Barnabas at the end of Acts 15. The insights gained offer us some understanding…
Youth pastor Joe Vaughn concludes his session with an emphasis on excellence, setting the target of being 'well pleasing unto the Lord' as the goal for teens in his ministry.
Jeff Musgrave challenges us on discipleship, urging us to desire to develop believers who reproduce other believers through their witness.
Anna Musgrave teaches the ladies that all believers are born to reproduce, to be active evangelists, reaching those people who God puts in our daily paths.
This session is in Spanish. Rick Armstrong discusses discipleship, examining the goals of discipleship, 'levels' or 'stages' of spiritual growth, and becoming disciplers of others, among other points.
Youth pastor Joe Vaughn talks about a philosophy of youth ministry that sets high spiritual expectations for young people. His philosophy isn't 'anti-fun', but is oriented to be an aid…
Dr. Berg offers wisdom from the study of God's Word and from practical experience to instruct us concerning leading men and women out of addictions into a clean walk with…
Steve Pettit and Will Senn introduce the ministry of Cross Impact, a ministry to reach students on secular campuses with the gospel.
Dr. Marty Marriott deals with a serious error of understanding taught by a prominent preacher on 1 Tim 4.16. The error involves a misunderstanding of the word 'salvation' in its…
Gal 2.11-21 - Evangelist Steve Pettit preaches that we can't expect spiritual growth without really coming to grips with our union with Christ in our salvation. From that concept flows…
Dr. Heller preaches from the middle of the Sermon on the Mount on the subject of putting aside worry and resting on the Lord for all our needs. The Lord's…
Dr. Oats finishes his series of messages on Baptist fundamentalism with a cautionary message on the danger of separation gone wrong. Fear of man and pride are among those causes…

