Pastor Ernsberger speaks of a recent mission trip to India and some insights from the Scriptures in relation to it.
Our subject in this message is the ministry of prayer, something that may be neglected by men of God.
Our title suggests a topic you might think negative, but in reality it is one of the most comforting themes of the New Testament. God's love for his people is…
Jas 1.1-8. The term 'slave' is much used in the New Testament. The way we think of it says much about us and our ministry for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Mal 1.6-8, 2.4-9. The preaching of Malachi can be used as an analogy to problems of our day. Similar to the problems of the Jewish priests, we can see in…
Craig Hartman gives us an impassioned appeal to let the Scriptures speak. Let us be done with fanciful and false interpretations of Scripture. America doesn't appear in prophecy ... anywhere!…
1 Tim 1.1-20. Dr. Vaughn exhorts us from Paul's first chapter to Timothy concerning the good conscience of the minister. This involves not only one's walk before God but one's…
"Like drinking from a fire hose..." Dr. Moritz gives us a brief survey of hermeneutics from the time of the Reformation and takes us through a survey of modern hermeneutical…
1 Pt 4.10-11. Is the goal of preaching satisfying the crowd or satisfying God? Pastor Minnick powerfully demonstrates how we must stand for God in the pulpit, giving to the…
A message of encouragement to stay faithful and trust the Lord no matter how bleak circumstances seem to be.
Dr. Berg's message focuses on the Essential Virtues of 2 Pt 1.1-8. In this portrait of Christian maturity we see how God works in our lives to make us whole-hearted,…
Heidi Will, on the staff at Tri-City Baptist Church, discusses best practices in creating web sites and using social media for ministry.
Dave Sproul, former director of International Baptist Missions, discusses various problems missionaries seldom talk about.
Alberto Marquez and Steve Rubio discuss using evangelistic Bible studies in Spanish ministries.
Pat Berg teaches women on training teen girls to have appropriate philosophy of living and learning to love Christ.
In this session, Dr. Meyer's thesis is: Because biblical change occurs in the heart, counselors must both understand the faulty belief systems of the heart and direct scripture precisely to…
Dr Sproul discusses using Twitter, Facebook, and projected hymns in the ministry.

