It’s Not Politics: Fatherhood Decline Causing Rise of Religious Nones | RealClearReligion

But, in the years since we met this couple in the early 2000s, some sociologists, pundits, Christian thinkers, and church leaders have been persuaded by the idea that politics – particularly socially conservative politics – is playing a major role in driving the societal-wide decline in church participation. But the evidence doesn’t bear this out. And there is a more likely source: family structure.

An influential 2014 study found that political backlash among young adults – particularly in the areas of sexual ethics – was the primary cause of people fleeing Christianity. This study has influenced many academic and opinion elites – including many Christian thinkers and pastors. But Communio’s recent Nationwide Study on Faith and Relationships shows this explanation is no longer adequate.

Source: It’s Not Politics: Fatherhood Decline Causing Rise of Religious Nones | RealClearReligion

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