I Used to Be an Evangelical Elite–Josh Daws

This 25 tweet series is worth reading.  What he is describing among the evangelical elite is the mood of the New Evangelicalism described by fundamentalists 60 years ago.  Kevin Bauder has used the term Indifferentist to describe their ecclesiastical relationships, Daws here uses the term evangelical elite to describe the thinking and attitude. We need to observe, discern, and learn. [KESchaal]

I Used to Be an Evangelical Elite

Josh Daws @JoshDaws
Okay, not elite in the sense that people knew who I was, but as far as sensibilities, evangelistic approach, middle-way-ism, etc. I was fully aligned with evangelical elites in their strategy of cultural engagement. 
When I went off to college I quickly found a nondenominational mega church that was nothing like the cheesy and embarrassing SBC church world I had grown up in. 
I discovered relational evangelism which, whatever its merits, in my mind meant proving to non-Christian friends that I wasn’t like those other “crazy” Christians in the churches I had grown up in. 
I’d regularly share video clips of Christians doing cringeworthy things in an effort to show the “watching world” that there are cool Christians who also think the church is weird. 


His final tweet in the series–

Take it from a recovering evangelical elite, the idol of cultural influence is strong and makes you prideful and arrogant. Examine your heart. Root out any contempt you find for Christ’s bride. The church isn’t perfect but Jesus loves it and we should too. 

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