Is it Time for Intellectuals to Talk about God?

A very interesting confession from a well-known liberal feminist, Naomi Wolf. Her spiritual background is some form of Judaism. You may or may not agree with much of what she says. (I don’t agree with her about the vaccines, but then maybe I don’t agree with you, either.) Nevertheless, as you get towards the end of her article, about 3/4 of the way through, she turns to speaking about religion and how we need to talk about this in public again.

What I find so striking about this is something I am sensing as I interact with many visitors we’ve had at our little church in British Columbia (small sample size!). That is, the Covid pandemic has developed a hunger for truth among our frightened population. Let’s not miss this opportunity for evangelism. Surely the window will close again as restrictions finally recede and some sense of normalcy returns. Be always ready to give a reason for the hope that lies within you.

– Don Johnson

It is time to start talking about spiritual combat again, I personally believe. Because I think that that is what we are in, and the forces of darkness are so big that we need help. Our goal? Perhaps just to keep the light somehow alive – a light of true classical humane values, of reason, of democracy, inclusion, kindness – in this dark time.

What is the object of this spiritual battle?

It seems to be for nothing short of the human soul.

Source: Is it Time for Intellectuals to Talk about God?

Photo credit:Sunset Parkerpix, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons


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