Bad Faith: A Review of John Gray’s “Seven Types of Atheism” | The New Republic

Fascinating article reviewing a book about Atheism.  Psalm 19 says “There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard.”  While they stare at God’s universal message they declare He does not speak.  (KSchaal)

. . . This would seem to call for some explanation. As the infidel Tom Paine scoffed: “A revelation which is to be received as true ought to be written on the sun.” The devout Cardinal Newman agreed but thought it had been: “The Visible Church was, at least to her children,” he wrote in 1870, “the light of the world, as conspicuous as the sun in the heavens, and the Creed was written on her forehead.” Unfortunately, the Church’s radiance has dimmed somewhat since then, and many unbelievers have wondered why God can’t write “YES, I EXIST” across the night sky in mile-high flaming letters visible (to each viewer in her own language, of course) everywhere on earth, each night for a week, once a year. Is that too much to ask of an omnipotent, infinitely loving Being?

Source: Bad Faith: A Review of John Gray’s “Seven Types of Atheism” | The New Republic

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