The Social Justice & the Gospel | For The Sake of Christ & His Church

In the same vein as the Nashville Statement a new statement has been produced on the subject of Social Justice and the Gospel.  This is a hot-button topic in Evangelicalism and Conservative Evangelicalism today.  We have already addressed this topic in a cursory matter here.  At first glance, this statement looks good.  Conservative evangelicals are doing the things the FBFI and other groups have been doing for years–making important declarations on essential theological and social issues.  For evangelicals, this practice, whether intended or not, is a practical repudiation of the “new evangelical” philosophy espoused by Ockenga, Carl Henry, Kantzer, Graham and others.  The failures of historic evangelicalism and the recognition of that fact by some evangelicals was addressed by Mark Minnick in our National Fellowship last summer.  You can listen to his message here.  (KSchaal)

The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel

In view of questionable sociological, psychological, and political theories presently permeating our culture and making inroads into Christ’s church, we wish to clarify certain key Christian doctrines and ethical principles prescribed in God’s Word. Clarity on these issues will fortify believers and churches to withstand an onslaught of dangerous and false teachings that threaten the gospel, misrepresent Scripture, and lead people away from the grace of God in Jesus Christ.

Specifically, we are deeply concerned that values borrowed from secular culture are currently undermining Scripture in the areas of race and ethnicity, manhood and womanhood, and human sexuality. The Bible’s teaching on each of these subjects is being challenged under the broad and somewhat nebulous rubric of concern for “social justice.” If the doctrines of God’s Word are not uncompromisingly reasserted and defended at these points, there is every reason to anticipate that these dangerous ideas and corrupted moral values will spread their influence into other realms of biblical doctrines and principles.

We submit these affirmations and denials for public consideration, not with any pretense of ecclesiastical authority, but with an urgency that is mixed with deep joy and sincere sorrow. The rapidity with which these deadly ideas have spread from the culture at large into churches and Christian organizations—including some that are evangelical and Reformed—necessitates the issuing of this statement now.

Source: The Social Justice & the Gospel | For The Sake of Christ & His Church

Note: All posts in News ItemsOpinion Pieces, and Home & Family are offered as a matter of interest to our readers. They do not necessarily represent the views of FBFI. They may often represent a different point of view which we think our readers might like to be aware.