Church Votes to Leave Scottish Episcopal Church Over Same-Sex Marriage Support


An evangelical parish with a large congregation in Edinburgh has voted to quit the Scottish Episcopal Church over its decision to be the United Kingdom’s first Anglican body to endorse same-sex marriage.”We have not done it easily. We have had many tears and many sleepless nights. It is a tragic necessity,” the Rev. David McCarthy, Rector at the St Thomas parish, told The Sunday Telegraph about its vote to leave the SEC. “But it is the Episcopal Church who are leaving us. They are leaving orthodoxy.”

Source: Church Votes to Leave Scottish Episcopal Church Over Same-Sex Marriage Support

Emphasis ours. The unorthodox always want to malign and pillory the orthodox when division occurs, but the fault lies with those who divide from God’s word. Of course, this represents a final straw for this congregation. No doubt other departures from the Word occurred prior to this one. This story illustrates the realities and the difficulties of separation as mandated by the Bible. – dcsj

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