Always Ask About the Tattoo

I recalled this story while reading an example from Good News for Change: How to Talk to Anyone about Jesus, by Matt Mikalatos. At the end of chapter 11, Mikalatos writes, “Every time you see a tattoo this week, ask the person, ‘Why is that significant to you?’ It’s one of the greatest entrances to deep conversation that I know.” In two short sentences, Mikalatos offers a key insight that I had intuited but never fully articulated: If we want to reach people with the gospel, we need to figure out what matters to them most.

Source: Want to Share the Gospel Effectively? Always Ask About the Tattoo | Christianity Today

Note: The full article might be behind a pay wall. Also note the source, we have lots of disagreements with the philosophy of CT.

Nevertheless, the article highlights one of the most vexing problems we have today in evangelism. How do we get the conversation started? How do we gain a hearing for the gospel? While there are aspects of this article you might object to, you will find wise advice at starting evangelistic conversations. I think it is worth thinking about and adjusting our approach in our divided and hostile society. — dcsj

Note: All posts in News ItemsOpinion Pieces, and Home & Family are offered as a matter of interest to our readers. They do not necessarily represent the views of FBFI. They may often represent a different point of view which we think our readers might like to be aware.