Democrats’ God Gap | NR


You know elite Democratic anti-Christian bigotry is getting out of hand when it’s expertly skewered on HBO.

The show was the excellent Mike Judge comedy Silicon Valley. The gang at Pied Piper (the fictional tech startup at the heart of the series) was assembling a coalition of companies to use its new product, but it ran into a problem. One of the CEOs was — gasp — a Christian. He was gay and ran a gays-only dating app, but he went to church regularly.

 The show’s protagonist, Richard Hendricks, accidentally “outed” him as a person of faith, then spent the rest of the show trying to contain the damage. Some of the lines were outstanding. In Silicon Valley, “you can be openly polyamorous, and people will call you brave,” one character explained. “You can put microdoses of LSD in your cereal, and people will call you a pioneer. But the one thing you cannot be is a Christian.”

Or, as the gay Christian laments, “My dad says my lifestyle makes him sick. He just wants his gay son back.”

I thought of that show when I caught up today on the results of a fascinating Pew Research Center survey of faith in America. There’s a big “God gap” between Republicans and Democrats — 70 percent of Republicans believe in the God of the Bible compared with 45 percent of Democrats — but there’s an even larger God gap within the Democratic party. Only 32 percent of white Democrats believe in the God of the Bible, compared with 61 percent of nonwhite Democrats — an almost 30-point gap.   More at National Review

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