A Pure Church: FrontLine Nov/Dec 2020

VOLUME 30 | NUMBER 6 Although biblical separation is not considered one of the foundational doctrines of Christianity even by most separatists, it is an essential topic as we consider the ongoing issues related to the publication of The Fundamentals and the rise of the biblical fundamentalists a century ago. There are theological, historical, and…

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A Changed Life Includes Pursuing Sexual Purity

One topic often raised in the New Testament is the issue of sexual purity. Consider the many times issues the apostles bring it up. It is no secret that a wide variety of sexual immorality permeated the early Roman and Greek cultures of the New Testament times. Their gods were immoral, and they imitated their…

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Cultural Accommodation, the Growing Danger for Christian Education

Christian colleges face a growing danger from the tsunami-like changes in Western countries. The danger comes from the moral changes in the wider public and from the personal problems students now bring with them to college. Let me give some examples. An Evangelical Christian college near where I live has almost 2,000 students. 60% of…

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Unity and Purity In The Church

A Historical Survey As early as the second century, two contradictory trends had developed that would affect the doctrine of the church until the present time. One trend was toward external unity; the other was toward internal purity. These two directions were present prior to the Reformation, as Catholicism formed around the concept of an…

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My Beloved and My Friend

Marshall and Gretchen Fant FrontLine • March/April 2007 “What is the problem, as you see it?” I asked the couple sitting across my desk. The answer I got was too predictable. The names and faces were different, but the situation that seemed unique to them was becoming so common to me that it was disturbing.…

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Are You Getting a Call from God?

John Vaughn Imagine a young person who is considering doing something wrong, when suddenly he receives a cell phone call from a Christian friend inviting him to do something right. Now, imagine yourself facing temptation and at that very moment getting a call from God. That is essentially what Paul is teaching in 1 Thessalonians…

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Looking for a Substitute for God

John C. Vaughn One of our FBFI Chaplains recently told me the story of a young soldier who came to him and shared that he was so discouraged that he spent every evening getting drunk to drown his emotional pain. The Chaplain had asked him, “How is that working out for you?” The soldier had…

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All Things to All Men—or—Be Ye Separate

Randolph Shaylor An important principle of the Word of God is separation from doctrinal and ecclesiastical compromise and from unrighteous lifestyles and practices. Yet we are inundated with publications and ministries that insist that we must attract people, especially young people, by appealing to contemporary desires. Paul’s statement “I am made all things to all…

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Why Cling to a Conservative Music Standard?

by Paul Downey Ministries need a Biblical and philosophical basis for rejecting popular music in favor of conservative, traditional music. The music used in our churches and schools should provide a high-quality, meaningful alternative to the high-pressure worldly influence of popular music. While the text is important, it is by no means the only criterion…

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