A ‘Sober Curious’ Quarantine Broke My Perfectionism | Christianity Today

While researching young adult ministry, I discovered the younger generation had something to teach me about my approach to alcohol.

…No longer is sobriety seen as just the last resort for people whose lives are falling apart. Many in the sober curious set would not label themselves as traditional alcoholics, but they do wonder if their drinking is a problem and recognize the benefits of ditching the booze. …

Source: A ‘Sober Curious’ Quarantine Broke My Perfectionism | Christianity Today

At P&D, we advocate for total abstinence from alcohol for many reasons, some rooted in Biblical principle and explicit Biblical warnings, some sociological, some practical, but all with a desire to glorify God with a clear heart and clear mind.

The posted article comes from a different perspective, yet is another caution to those tempted to conform to our world. It is far, far better that you stand apart from alcohol.

– dcsj

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