Beverage Alcohol? Don’t Give Yourself a Headache over This!

FrontLine 20th Anniversary Edition How hard can this be? We honestly have to wonder if anyone who is toying with the idea of drinking alcohol has ever had a drunk in the family. Broken homes, abuse, disease, early death, financial ruin, reckless homicide—the list goes on and on. The next time you hear Dave Ramsey…

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May Christians Drink Beverage Alcohol?

Chuck Phelps In 1979 a drunk driver veered off the road, tore across a well-manicured lawn, and struck a parked car. In that car, tucked safely into her baby seat, was my friend’s infant daughter. While the little girl’s mother was escorting her brother and sister into her grandma’s house, the drunk driver struck, and…

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Around the Web–9/26/12: Alcohol and More

Alcohol It’s time to call again for abstinence from alcohol: Christian libertine, wake up! Another mother killed by a drunk driver. Her brother-in-law, Colorado pastor Steve Hafler, posted a blog about alcohol the day before. Tragically, he had to follow with another blog the next day, announcing the terrible accident  that has since claimed the…

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Choosing the Good Part

Don Johnson Luke 10.38-42 Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. 39 And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word. 40 But Martha was cumbered about much…

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Challenges Facing Fundamentalism in the New Millennium

James Singleton These words were published almost thirteen years ago. Their insight into the signs of the times are worth reading again. It was said that Rip Van Winkle slept through the American Revolution. Today we face a cultural crisis that began in the last few decades of the 20th century and will probably continue…

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Windows: Developing Spiritual Muscles

Dave Pennington Hardly a day goes by for the average individual without at least some emphasis upon health needs. Exercise, vitamins, and healthy food help develop and maintain good physical condition. Certainly such personal choices should be commended. How much more commendable it is when God’s people develop and maintain spiritual disciplines. For “bodily exercise”…

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Guardian Angels on Overtime

Robert W. Browne “Take heed … in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father” (Matt. 18:10). Rufus Perry and I were playing marbles in the shade of a large pecan tree. I should have picked another of the 10-yearold boys as an opponent. Rufus was an expert—he already had a pocket…

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Around the Web–9/19/12

Schaap charged, signs plea agreement: Former Indiana pastor charged, signs federal plea deal in relationship with teen (HT: Sharper Iron) Middle East Tension: An Unserious President In Seriously Perilous Times Newsweek: Muslim Rage & The Last Gasp of Islamic Hate Der Spiegel gives extensive background information: Muslim Protests Show Limits of Free Speech Spiritual Life:…

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Facing the Islamic Invasion

Monthir Abdullatif “My dream is that the USA will become an Islamic nation by the year 2000.” These words, spoken just a few years ago by the vice president of the Islamic College in Chicago, express the feeling of the majority of Muslims around the world. Islamic publications worldwide are full of excitement over the…

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The Christian and the Coming Caliphate

Craig Hartman Preface by Proclaim & Defend: Today’s headlines blare of unrest in the Middle East. Christians do well to be concerned. About eighteen months ago, we published an article in our print magazine that offers significant insight into the current situation. We urge you to read this article again, be an evangelist, especially of…

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