
Rolland McCune FrontLine • May/June 2007 Theonomy (“God’s Law”) is a title given to a movement that teaches the earthwide rule of God through the reinstitution of the Law of Moses for every nation. It is also called “Christian Reconstruction” because it wants the church to dismantle the present world culture and reconstruct it as…

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Born Again at Two Years Old

Thomas Overmiller In a recent post, I emphasized the importance of encouraging children to cultivate a personal walk with God. In the opening lines, I mentioned in passing that I was born again at 2 years old. One reader expressed doubts about this statement, saying: The comment about being born again at 2 years old…

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Do You Really Want Revival?

George Stiekes O Lord, revive thy work Habakkuk 3:2 It has been stressed that prayer is the major key to revival — serious, intense, persistent prayer. Prayer is our spiritual strength and it generates strength. It strengthens our relationship with God and generates both vision and power. This is why Satan strives to keep the…

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The Ethical Challenges Presented by “Three-Parent Babies”

Don Johnson I follow a scientific website for news and insights into our ever-changing world. At a minimum, I find that I can pick up interesting illustrations from time to time. Recently, I came across a news item about something called “three-parent babies.” A bit of searching on the internet led me to a new…

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Do You Wrestle with This Temptation?

Thomas Overmiller God is always good to his people, all the time. That’s what David affirms in Psalm 73:1. But in doing so, he makes an honest admission. Can you relate? He had been jealous of ungodly people (Psalm 73:2-3). His jealousy centered on their material prosperity and sinful indulgence, free from obvious consequences (Psalm…

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The Synonyms for the Word of God

Layton Talbert FrontLine 1994 Introduction Word, laws, testimonies, precepts, statutes, commandments, judgments-have you ever read passages in the Old Testament and wondered what the difference is between all these words for Scripture? Aren’t they just flowery, poetic ways of referring to the Bible with a variety of terms to avoid sounding redundant? If that is…

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God’s Answer to Tormenting Fear

Bud Steadman Fear is perhaps the oldest negative human emotion, based on the experience of our first parents in Genesis 3:10. From the moment Adam and Eve separated themselves from their Creator through an act of disobedience, man has been haunted by fear. While there is a righteous fear of God that leads to blessing,…

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Evan Roberts and the Welsh Revival

George Stiekes O Lord, revive thy work Habakkuk 3:2 Last week, we noted that real revival is preceded with frequent, serious, often intense prayer. Revival is not normally something the church leadership places on the calendar. However, as God’s people begin to get a burden to see God show Himself strong in our midst, they…

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The Right Use of the Law

Don Johnson The apostle Paul, in the first chapter of 1 Timothy opens with an exhortation to teach “no other doctrine.” He elaborates on this by a discussion of “the commandment” and “the law” which seems to run contrary to the way many people view the law these days. 1 Tim 1.5-8 Now the end…

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“Settled? … Maybe Not”

Wally Morris Should we accept that a moral issue has reached the point where continuing to fight for Biblical standards is not a wise use of our time and resources? That is the question Christians face as President Trump seems uninterested in the issue of homosexual marriage, calling it “settled law”. In his acceptance speech…

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