Scholarship, Separation, and ETS (4)

Part Four: Examining ‘Staying In’ in Light of Separation Passages Wally Morris [One] ♦ [Two] ♦ [Three] ♦ [Four] ♦ [Five] ♦ [Six] The Application Of Separation: Do Biblical Principles Of Separation Apply To The ETS? Common Reasons For Fundamentalist ETS Membership & Responses Often in discussion and debate about separation,1 the various arguments focus…

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Fatal Attraction: What Entertainment Is Doing to Our Youth

Mike Ascher In 1985 author and educator Neil Postman wrote the book Amusing Ourselves to Death. In his opening paragraphs Postman states that “at different times in our history, different cities have been the focal point of a radiating American spirit.” For example, he points out that before the American Revolution “Boston was the center…

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A Theology of Separation

Larry Oats In the last issue of the Maranatha Baptist Theological Journal I wrote an article on the Theology of Fellowship.1 This current article is the flipside of the earlier article. A theology of separation needs to be part of a theology of fellowship. This article will be limited to the New Testament. A study…

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The Race That Is Set Before Us

Bob Condict Not one among us is permitted to chart out his own race. But each one of us must “run with patience the race that is set before us.” In our day of highly competitive athletics each runner wants to make sure that the race he must run is the same as that of…

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Scholarship, Separation, and ETS (3)

Part Three: The ETS & Inerrancy – how deep is the commitment? Wally Morris [One] ♦ [Two] ♦ [Three] ♦ [Four] ♦ [Five] ♦ [Six] Doctrinal Basis of the ETS Article III of the ETS Constitution states very simply the doctrinal basis for the ETS, and every member must “subscribe in writing annually” to this…

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A Theology of Fellowship

Larry Oats Fundamentalism is best known for its separatism, a willingness to separate when biblical truth is at stake. Separation, however, is the flipside of fellowship. If we can fellowship with someone (or something like a church or an association), we cannot separate from him (or it). If we do not have a basis for…

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Evangelism and Discipleship as a Way of LIFE

Paul Warf Today a new way of thinking has emerged. Our world has undergone a cultural earthquake due to the rise of postmodern culture and ideas. Most postmoderns are not going to be impressed with only our verbal presentations of the gospel. What is needed is a people who live out the gospel in transparent,…

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Creating a Culture of Evangelism

Mike Sproul The culture of a New Testament church must focus on evangelism and discipleship. Every organization, including churches, has an often nonverbalized set of cultural values. I fear many churches have cultures that encourage many good Christian activities but do not have a culture that encourages evangelism. A culture of evangelism and discipleship is…

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Scholarship, Separation, and ETS (2)

Part Two: Introducing Christian Scholarship and the ETS Wally Morris [One] ♦ [Two] ♦ [Three] ♦ [Four] ♦ [Five] ♦ [Six] Christian Scholarship Many resources exist for understanding Christian scholarship. Several years ago, Kevin Bauder wrote a series of articles called “Fundamentalists and Scholarship”, originally published in his In The Nick Of Time column. These…

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Christians are Told to Bow or Face a Fierce Collision

Matt Recker In a recent New York Times opinion column entitled, “Bigotry, the Bible and the Lessons of Indiana,” opinion columnist Frank Bruni tells conservative churches to “take homosexuality off the sin list” and bow to the new enlightened understanding of our modern world (New York Times, April 3, 2015). Bruni sees that homosexuality and…

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